Carl Möller

Carl Moeller (1950, Netherlands) is a practicing sculptor since a number of years. Originally educated and working as an architect, he developed a passion for working with steel as a form of free expression. His work is abstract by definition and effectively is a search for the visual power of different geometric shapes. His intention is to create objects that will enter into a (silent) dialogue with its spectators.

The natural inclination of steel is to return to its original state, being ore. In order to make steel from ore, a lot of energy is required. Steel therefore has a higher energy state and ore a lower energy state. Newly produced steel will corrode in order to return to its most stable state. Disintegration of steel structures to the lowest energy state is the natural process. Similar to human existence, more energy is needed to preserve what is created and keep it from decay and disintegration than the energy required for the creation itself.

Besides steel, Carl occasionally works in other materials too. He has recently created a new body work called Disorder. These wall sculptures from wood at first sight seem to be very formal and organized, but further observation will show deviations from the expected pattern. This works unsettling and causes the spectator to investigate the visual and mental impact of the work.
